puff 200 Wheeler's Corner 46
Wheelers CornerÓ
Connecting Citizens Who Care
"Broadcast every Thursday at 11.45am on Access 999AM"Contact Peter at wheeler@inspire.net.nz
46 30th November 2006
This Week: 1. Awapuni wins again. 2. An Irrational fear. 3. Letters. 4. Valuations are they legal? 5. Strike at CCC. 6. Papaioea finds a common link.
The Awapuni Ward Committee chairperson Annette Nixon invited Cinnemon Trail to attended the local ward committee meeting to explain her problems with the roading changes planned outside her place of business. Annette arranged with a shocked Ray McIndoe, [the PNCC management liaison officer at that meeting] to meet with Cinnemon the next day to reconsider the council plans. This was successful and so long as the council keeps its word then Annette can feel proud that her invitation to Cinnemon was the correct course of action. When council short falls are made public things happen and the Awapuni Ward Committee has proven the value of disclosing these short falls. In just the last few weeks the Awapuni Ward Committee has made public. The stupid ‘Rebirthing of the Esplanade’ exercises. The attempt to prepare for sale of the bowling / tennis club land on the corner of Park Rd and Fitzherbert Ave and not forgetting the stuff up over the Dittmer Drive speed humps. Once the hard work has been done ‘others’ jump on the bandwagon [Cr. Broad] but be that as it may if results are achieved so be it.
The word Maori scared the pants off Don Brash to such an extent that he sometimes appeared racist based on the statements he made. The Labour Party on the other hand once it saw the gains made by National via its emphasis on all things racial have moved down the same track but in a covert manner. Some readers of Wheeler’s Corner also no doubt share views of concern. This irrational fear would be over come if we all took just a moment of time to listen, learn and then reconsider the reality of the communities we live in. Some Maori have united and produced these words for the creating of policy.
Kaupapa [Values] driven not portfolio driven,
Maori models not just western ones,
Top of the cliff not the bottom:
Positive strengths not negative dysfunction:
Inventive not conventional:
Equity based not equality based:
Investment not expenditure focussed:
Self determining not dependent:
Now who among us could not accept those words? Just imagine if our local council accepted a credo such as this. Consultation would not be done with reluctance but with pride. Listening to citizens would a pleasure not a burden. I was invited to attend the local branch of the Maori Party at the Highbury Whanau Centre at 11am on Sunday. It was a wonderful experience in all respects. The openness and obvious listening ability of all present was a joy compared to the controlled climate of council. It was ironic that on the day of this meeting the media was releasing poll results that show that Scotland has a majority wanting independence from England, likewise Wales feels the same way. Perhaps they too are growing up. Maori have a saying, “E môhiotia ana waho kei roto he aha’ One cannot known from the outside what is contain within’ [Unless one can see inside].
Cr. Dennison is a truly fortunate young man. Unfortunately he still lacks the insight to realise that not everyone wishes to stand for Council for many reasons. Perhaps if he had had to work harder for his bounty he might just have a better understanding of the little quirks that beset the lives of ordinary people. Nevertheless, he should be commended for telling us he does not require the votes of, how did he put it, "sideline critics". The really sad thing is that so many men and women gave their lives, and some still do, to oppose living under similar extreme regimes that Cr. Dennison so obviously admires. Democracy is a struggle and it certainly isn't easy but for anyone who opposes it Robert Mugabe welcomes you with open arms. Signed E Constantine, sideline critic.
Some of your readers may now be aware that they have received inappropriate valuations, some may not be. The value of some improvements have been deliberately reduced simply because the land value has risen. The effect depending on the amount of reduction will, in the first instance, require those owners to clarify their situation with their insurers if you do not have replacement insurance; and in the second instance provide some small degree of relief with respect to Horizon's capital rates. Let me be clear on two points, I have no objection to anyone receiving rates relief where the burden is great. What I am adamantly opposed to is relief that is provided without transparency and by covert means. My information suggests that the reduced valuations may be concentrated mainly, but not solely, in the Hokowhitu area. Should Quotable Value succeed in its endeavours to manipulate property valuations in this way the democratic process will be severely curtailed yet again. Valuations will forever lack transparency, professionalism and credibility; in short they will become a laughing stock. Furthermore, the people considering any complaints are those who provided the flawed valuations in the first place? You will have to decide if this practice is acceptable to you all. You have already lost the right to determine Councillor salaries (whether they work or not). You have lost the right to receive public information. You battle on two fronts if the regional council takes up projects rejected at the local level; Do you, as ratepayers, want to lose the right to determine a fair and equitable rating system? If you are opposed to this type of covert manipulation of rates then I suggest you choose someone to whom you are prepared to provide your address, present and previous LVs, and CVs (no names required) to determine how widespread this issue is. If after checking your revaluation documents you have some concerns please contact me, on phone 06-359-2030 or wheeler@inspire.net.nz
Hi,You might be interested to know that SLGOU (the union representing Christchurch City Council employees) has issued notice of industrial action [on behalf of its members] due to the failure of two rounds of mediation. CCC Employees will be striking for 3 hours on Friday 8th December from 11am to 2pm. I'm a council employee so I'll be striking. The council position has been all along, and I assume they haven't changed this position, is that they have a budget of 2.5% for all staff wage increases and that they can't go above this figure. Furthermore, to a address an imagined imbalance in pay rates compared to the market median, they wish to give most of this 2.5% to the top end of the salary scale, who are under paid. With little or nothing to people at the bottom of the scale who are supposedly over paid? Well I am almost at the very bottom of the pay scale and I can assure you all that I am not over paid. Anyway just thought you might be interested in what the Christchurch Shitty Council is trying to do to its hard working employees. Given that 2.5% doesn't come close to meeting inflation, CPI etc it is unacceptable, in Solidarity Nick Scullin. Thanks Nick, our CEO here in Palmerston North got a $45.000 increase while many staff failed to keep up with inflation…
Papaioea Ward met on Tuesday night and after a few phone calls mustered the numbers [30] to hold an election to fill a vacancy. A Mr. Linklater was duly elected and his name will go forward for consideration by the full council for confirmation on Wednesday the 11th of December 2006. Now this was no ordinary Mr. Linklater this was the chap who sold the land to the council known as the ‘Linklater block’ which council staff member Paul Wylie has recommended be considered for sale to some unknown buyers. Paul Wylie had been instructed by Councillors’ to prepare and sell only 4 hectors, while this instruction is a part of the recommendations the report [Rejected because of lateness] goes much further and has upset hundreds of residents in the Papaioea Ward and possibly thousands across the city. Even though this important issue was being discussed Cr. Pope failed to turn up or give an apology; Cr. Hornblow gave an apology. Cr. Findlay and Etheridge were present. The council representative to this meeting was none other than Ray Swadel strange that don't you think...
My God says 'well done Annette and Cinnemon, you prove that anythink is possible when right is on your side.
Peter J Wheeler