puff 259 Last Gasp Cafe No 2 For Joana Prado
Last Gasp Cage No 2
Two songs for Joana Prado aka Feiciteira and Vitor, the Phenom.
Lady so far, Veronica Bay
Check Out the Veil Dance
Feiticeira (real name Joana Prado) is a Brazilian model and actress most famous for the character she portrayed on a television game show. ... all » She appeared in several adult magazine pictorials, including the cover of the Brazilian issue of Playboy three times. Joana is married to Brazilian MMA fighter Vitor Belfort.
Only men could participate on the game show, where incorrectly answered questions resulted in being humiliated by Feiticeira. Examples include shaving his leg with wax or shaving his head. For correct answers, contestants were granted a wish from Feiticeira, such as staying with her alone or playing love games with her (but no sex). Phentrazine - Now Available Without a Prescription
In Portuguese feiticeira means female wizard or witch. A Feiticeira (The Witch) is also the name given in Brazil to the television show Bewitched. Ironically, it seems that somehow the character received this name because she was dressed as Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie, which is a different show altogether, and who is not a witch but a genie. She was three times on Playboy cover, December 1999, August 2000 and April 2002.
Her trademark is a veil she uses and of course her body and sexy lingerie (few lingerie just the essential). She became famous in a TV show where only men could participate - The host asked a few questions (really hard ones) then if the player fails "Feiticeira" began to hurt him, like for example shaving is leg with wax, shaving his head...she really embarrassed men for being so greedy, but in the other hand if they get the right answer (a few made) then "Feiticeira" concede him a wish...like staying with her alone...get into love games with her, everything except sex!
Joana Prado (soprannominata la Feticerira) e` una modella e attrice brasiliana divenuta famosa per la presenza in un tv game show con concorrenti esclusivamente maschi. Nel gioco ai concorrenti veniva fatta una domanda di una certa difficolta` e in caso di risposta sbagliata venivano "puniti" dalla Feticeira, in caso contrario ne venivano coccolati. Ad un certo punto e` stata talmente una delle donne piu` desiderate in brasile da comparire in una serie di riviste per adulti, raggiungendo l`apice con la copertina di Playboy Brazil, per ben tre volte. Joana Prado sa usare sapientemente il proprio corpo e la lingerie.
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