Wednesday, March 14, 2007

puff 375 More on Marianne Aulie. In English! Shades of Louise Nicholas and the Rotorua police...

Abuse, media and fame
A controversial issue was raised by the Norwegian artist Marianne Aulie, when she, on the air, named two well known Norwegian males who attempted to drug and rape her 14 years ago.

The men in question can not be charged with anything today, it's too long ago. Marianne Aulie still felt she needed to name them in public. This has met som very aggressive reactions, but the men in question do not wish to press charges.

One of the interesting side issues of this was how the newspapers made a big deal out of the fact that some feminists do not choose to support Aulie's claim that she as a feminist needed to come forwards with her experience. What does that have to do with it? Is being a feminist being part of a club where I have accepted that some people have the right to speak for me? And I mean both sides of the issue in this case: I want to speak for myself, both when it's about sexual abuse, and when it's about what other people should say about sexual abuse. Neither Aulie of "certain feminist editors" have that right.

When that's said - this is a complicated issue. Should she speak or should she not? A Norwegian editor who initially supported Aulie's openness had her name blown up all over Norwegian media to the point that it became too problematic for her to maintain the support. Martine Aurdal had to publically recall her support of the act, and say she regretted saying it was "tøft" or "cool" to speak out.

Marianne Aulie is a hypersexualised artist. She knows her very good looks sells, so she uses it for all it's worth. More power to her. I am sure she can deal with her fan letters admirably, no matter what they contain. But we all have a limit, and too many have a story that was never told.

Aulie's story is about a party where she was too drunk or too drugged. Suddenly she was alone with two men. When she tried to leave by jumping from the fourth floor balcony, they stopped her and got a taxi. The taxi didn't take her home, but to the apartment of one of the men. When he left her alone there for a while, she managed to escape. She was just past 20 years old at the time.

Who wouldn't be troubled after an experience like that, no matter if she was drunk or drugged? Why shouldn't she talk about it now? OK, so she might have chosen the wrong moment, slander is illegal, but so was what she perceived had happened to her. And this kind of thing festers. It may appear to be unproblematic, but suddenly something happens, and everything you think you had supressed blow up in your face. It's a classic pattern.

Marianne Aulie might manipulate the media heavily with her good looks and her dramatic appearance. She might count on the shock value of revealing what happened to her, and she might expect the news to make her work sell better with the publicity. But I don't think these things make her stupid. I think she knew what she did when she named names, I think she knows what she experienced that night, and I don't think it's my (or anyone else's) job to take the decision of pointing fingers away from her.

Perhaps she'll get in worse trouble for it. Perhaps she'll find herself shut out of the artist communities and denied access to the media for having used her fame and access in order to spread slander. Perhaps she'll find that she is now old enough and strong enough to tell, and live with the consequences of what she has experienced and what she has done. I think Marianne Aulie may not be a brilliant tactician, but she has the right to commit her own errors. She is a grown woman, and has the right of her voice.
Labels: feminism, media, women


What is going on in the music scene?

Get up and go?


I have GOT to lose weight...

SERIOUSLY, I HAVE to lose weight...

Have to DO something about my skin...

who is buying?

better make some money...

just then the computer started to play up...

Good morning...

I've got this, like, really oily skin...

What was that?

Good deed done for the day...

I tried to lose weight in a New York minute and nearly got lost...

I went to bed with a book...

To sleep perchance to... catch Hamlet at the Esplanade...Simon Jackson is a great Prince of Denmark and Lilicherie's production is so much fun...

Cheltenham is on...

The Lady was talking to Tee about opportunities on the net...

but Throg was dreaming about a back rub...

Throgmorton woke up and hought about an ipod...

Chickenman woke up thinking about Bob Greene and Oprah

I thought about my business opportunities...

I attended to business and did my Sporting Index chores...

I was bored so I called someone on Dialaphone...

she mentioned Zwinky

I was like,lol, what about Zylom...

things got serious and we talked about Finance Box Houses

and Finance Box Student Loans...

Showbuzz rox she shouted...

I tld her about Bonprix, classy? well yes...

and don't forget Yves...

we talked about lost souls we shared and she told me how we might find them on Reunion...

Voip? for sure I said...

then we climbed the Lending Tree together...

take a chance on Coral?

me I'm lost in space...SATNAV for space cowboys like you she murmured...

we played at the Red Casino...

we flew Siesta...

we met each other again on Yahoo Personal...


just having fun on Gameplay actually...

we listened to Attic Jam

we got right into The Hedrons

and how about the new album from da Red Hot Chilli Peppers

you can buy these with a Post Office Credit Card she told me over lunch

and in the afternoon we flew away on HLX

I noticed that she wore Nikes...

we booked a lovely place to stay through Cottages...

she looked stunning in her Contessa gear...

we listened in the dark to Beck...

she declared that she would vote for Hilary Clinton

me, I want more of Mate-dating...

we discussed our bodies and Hoodia...

then she told me about another way to lose weight...
Phentrazine - Now Available Without a Prescription

me being more of a car person I clicked on Auto Loan...

she wanted money for other things so she clicked on Ocean Financial...

We both decided that discretion was the better part of valour and we looked at the Privacy Credit Card...

thought about Global Travel...

and looking good the French way...

we talked a little about a career in Criminal Justice...

but what really got us going was the thought of a Bahamas Cruise- the Anna Nicole Smith Tour? Well...

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