puff 292 Like a trip on the tongue :^: Requiem for Anna Nicole Smith
Like a trip on the tongue :^: Requiem for Anna Nicole Smith
Like a trip on the tongue
You sit in my mind, Anna
Like a wind in the sand
You tickle my fancy Anna
Ooee, ooee,
The moon comes gently down on you, Anna
Send me a line from your ocean liner, Anna
Tell me the time
where the sun meets your mind, AnnaOoee, ooee,
The moon comes gently down on you, Anna
Who gets the money?
Anna Nicole Smith has died at 2:49 pm today Feb 8, 2007 39 years old. She had just mourned the loss of her young son Daniel Wayne Smith by a methodone overdose a few months ago and some rumors circulated that she was pregnant again. and after a long fight for hundred's of millions of dollars in inheritance from her dead 89 year old husband, In June 1994, the then-26-year-old Smith married Texas oil baron J. Howard Marshall II, 89, who had an estate valued at $1.6 billion.
He died the following year, and Smith waged a 12-year feud with Marshall's son, Pierce Marshall, over the inheritance.
Who will get the money now?
A certain boyfriend/possible husband seems to be around and involved in all this tragedy... Her lawyer and husband Howard K. Stern. But she leaves a young daughter too -Danielynn.
Show me the money...
Emergency Footage
Rosie O'Donnell jinxed Anna Nicole Smith
Events in Anna Nicole Smith's life
Milestones in the life of the former model and Playboy playmate.
Nov. 28 Anna Nicole Smith is born Vickie Lynn Hogan in Mexia, Texas. Her parents divorce when she is an infant.
Marries Bill Smith.
Gives birth to Daniel Wayne Smith.
Divorces Bill Smith.
Named Playboy's playmate of the yearPhentrazine - Now Available Without a Prescription
First go back in time to...
Then Check Out the Pregnancy Video
They’re now calling it the Immortal Express. The trainwreck goes on.
The baby, which may be worth a billion and a half, is under wraps in the Bahamas. Two guys and a fleet of lawyers are fighting in two states and a foreign country, for the right to call themselves Paw. A guy in the Bahamas claims he fucked the girl —he doesn’t want the kid, just a house.
And now comes the Clown Jester of the whole thing. Prince Frederick von Anhalt, husband of ninety-year-old Zsa Zsa Gabor, has made proclamation either he is the father, or it could be any of thirty guys—but neither of the other two putative Paws. I don’t know whether the guy in the Bahamas is on the Prince’s list. However, I do understand the Prince will sell you some Slovakian Royal title. He claims that was how he snared Anna Nicole. And apparently welched on the deal.
Make it stop.
Wouldn’t it be kinda nice, on the day Anna Nicole’s body was sliced and diced , if some of these people could do a little of the mourning thing. Or perhaps this could be done after the funeral—if it can be decided who gets the body, or what court has jurisdiction to make a decision on that.
It sure would have been simpler if Mr. Marshall had hooked up with someone closer his age—like Ms. Gabor.
But one group I have not seen weigh in on this are my sisters over at Feministing. Girlistic sees no issues either. They should. The whole thing cries out for a feminist critique.
The guys just can’t stop raping the girl.
If a girl gets her goldmine doing a pole dance, at best she is a gold digger. If an Egyptian princess plots to gain empire, Shakespeare writes a play about it.
All of this still happens. In America we call it the trophy wife. But it is acceptable cos everyone says it isn’t only about the money. But the union of Anna Nicole and the old codger was too outlandish for our usual social rationalizations. Never mind it appears Anna Nicole gave it all with enthusiasm, unlike so many of the frigid wives of the trophy variety.
Indeed, all indications are the Sugar Daddy got what he wanted—love and a lap dance at 89, from a drop dead gorgeous Playmate of the Year. Why shouldn’t he give it all to her, rather than the sons and daughters, who were too refined to change his bedpan?
And so it was, he went to his grave happy, but considered by us to be a laughing stock. But since he was a poor dead fool— all our scorn was directed at his voluptuous wife.
Society lashed out in the tabloids and ET, on Letterman and Leno—as Anna Nicole became a caricature and the butt of a million jokes. Up went her weight and down again—and that was funny too. Even Rehab, which can socially purify most any drunken deviant, could not sanctify Anna Nicole.
This is not even a Monroesque romantic tragedy, for Anna Nicole was a wanton woman before the whole thing started. It was just real fun to throw the barbs and watch her come back for more. After all, trampy girls are so much fun to tease.
Is it necessary I elaborate on the gang rape that survives her death? And lets trash the girl a bit more—it’s entirely possible every guy in America could be the father of her baby.
Lets degrade the woman, and rob her of every cent, as well as every small bit of respect.
She deserves it.
She asked for it.
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See the comment on the Comment at the bottom of the page.
Anna Nicole Smith was born Vicki Lynn Hogan on November 28th, 1967, in Houston, Texas. After her father abandoned her and her mother when she was a child, she was raised by her mother and aunt, commuting back and forth to each caretaker.At the age of 17, Anna (then Vicki) married Billy Smith, and that same year, they welcomed their son Daniel into the world. Time with Billy was short-lived and young Anna was left to care for her son alone.anna nicole dances toplessIn order to pay the bills, she began working at topless bars in Houston, where she was actually more noticed for her rear than for her breasts (she did not yet have the breasts that she's famous for today). But since she was not as rail-thin as the rest of the dancers, Anna didn't work the coveted hours of topless clubs and was instead scheduled during the afternoon shift.Regardless, Anna (who then used several pseudonyms such as Nikki and Robin, before finally sticking to Anna Nicole) was discovered by a photographer, and quickly realized that she could use her body as a career tool. Since her childhood dream was to become the next Marilyn Monroe (her idol), Anna was inspired to make a name for herself.anna nicole gets plastic surgeryAfter a breast enlargement (Anna insisted on having two implants inserted into each breast) and some cosmetic surgery, Anna was ready for the big time, and ironically, headed in the same direction as Marilyn Monroe. She entered the Play..boy Cover Contest, and appeared on the cover of the magazine at the age of 24. Two years later, Anna was crowned 1993's Play..mate of the Year, which, although is an honor in itself, led Anna to bigger and better things.Thanks to her Play..boy appearance, Guess? president Paul Marciano, also responsible for the modeling careers of Eva Herzigova, Josie Maran and Shana Zadrick, saw Anna's potential and cast her as a Guess? model.
She made her big screen debut in the 1994 slapstick comedy, Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult, followed by an appearance in The Hudsucker Proxy, starring Tim Robbins. anna nicole marries j. howard marshallIf audiences didn't catch Anna in these films, they surely heard of her questionable marriage to oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II -- 60 years her senior -- on the 27th of June 1994. Anna remained low-profile with her wheelchair-bound husband, until Marshall's death in 1995.In 1996, the former Play..mate filed for bankruptcy, after a former female assistant sued her for sexual harassment (she would have had to pay $850,000 US).
anna nicole inherits $450 millionAlthough Marshall had left Anna with an inheritance, his heirs claimed that she could not receive what he left her, accusing her of mistreating him in his last few days and not marrying him for the right reasons. She was not mentioned in any of his wills, but claimed that he offered her half of his money, to speed up her decision to marry him.
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A version of Anna for Anna Nicole Smith
After a bitter court battle between Anna and Marshall's son, E. Pierce Marshall, Anna was rewarded $450 million in 2000.anna nicole does reality tvOn August 4th, 2002, the E! channel began airing its first season of The Anna Nicole Show. Although Anna had gained a considerable amount of weight, viewers tuned in to watch Anna make a fool of herself week after week. Before the second season started, producers of the show demanded that Anna drop some weight before shooting began, and with the help of TrimSpa, a supplement that claims to block fat from entering the body, Anna has trimmed down significantly and reportedly lost 80 pounds. Although Anna Nicole now looks great, she no longer has a TV audience: The Anna Nicole Show was canceled in 2004, but we're confident that she'll have other projects on her plate soon enough.
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Thanks for this comment;
Not a bad article but you might want to look into some of the legal items. Anna was not specifically left anything by her husband. So, the courts have gone back and forth over whether a verbal agreement existed. She has both won and lost several tiyormes over the years and it will probably not end anytime soon.
Responses to the comment might be;
Is there a reason why the verbal agreement does not stack up?
Is the real Anna Nicole Smith story about Anna as diet-and-pills/in-control-out-of-control on the American edge of sex and weight and luck/opportunity?
The comment explains what happened well- now the question is who is Anna Nicole Smith and why does she mean so much to us?
Thanks again for the comment!
Death certificate issued for Anna Nicole Smith's son; no cause of death given
The Associated Press
Published: September 20, 2006
NASSAU, Bahamas Authorities issued a death certificate for the son of Anna Nicole Smith but left the cause of death undetermined pending toxicology tests, a lawyer for the former reality TV star's family said Thursday.
Attorney Michael Scott said the document will let the former Playboy playmate bury the remains of 20-year-old Daniel Smith, who died Sept. 10 at his mother's hospital bedside in the Bahamas.
Filed on Wednesday, the death certificate lists the cause as "pending chemical analysis," said Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez.
"It is not unusual in instances where the cause of death cannot be determined to issue a death certificate," Gomez told The Associated Press. "This is not a matter of special treatment being given in this particular case."
Scott also said Thursday that Smith, 38, planned to file documents registering the birth of her 2-week-old daughter, but he declined to reveal the girl's name. He added that Anna Nicole Smith has been granted permanent residency in the Bahamas, where she came to avoid media scrutiny during her pregnancy.
She is gradually recovering from her son's death, he said.
"She's much better," he told the AP. "You never get over that, you get through it. Time is the catalyst for that."
It will likely be two weeks before pathologists receive test results, said Scott, who is the attorney for Daniel Smith's estate.
Authorities say there is no evidence of homicide or suicide. A private examiner hired by the family, Cyril Wecht, said in an interview from his Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania office that Smith was taking a low dose of the antidepressant Lexapro at the time of his death but he did not know if it was a factor.
"We'll have to see if it proves to be an accidental drug-related death due to a couple of drugs in his system," said Wecht, who added that blood tests have ruled out the presence of alcohol and some drugs including cocaine, opiates and amphetamines.
Scott criticized the island chain's head coroner, Linda Virgill, for labeling the death "suspicious" last week and saying that her office knew the cause of death before toxicology tests were complete.
"Unless she's psychic or God, unless the pathologists know the cause of death, how does she?" said Scott, adding that some in the Bahamas worried the highly publicized case was affecting the island chain's image.
"We are all aware of what happened in Aruba. We are all aware of what happened to Natalee Holloway," he said, referring to the high-profile disappearance last year of an Alabama teen. "We don't want that to happen in this jurisdiction."
Virgill declined to comment Thursday when reached by The Associated Press.
Larry Birkhead, a photojournalist who claims to be the newborn girl's father, said he regretted missing the birth as he was shown photos of the girl by a correspondent for TV show "Entertainment Tonight."
"It just seems like I should have been on the other side of this picture," Birkhead said.
Smith's camp has been silent on the identity of the girl's father.
Daniel Smith, who appeared several times on the E! reality series "The Anna Nicole Show," was the son of Anna Nicole and Bill Smith, who married in 1985 and divorced two years later.
Anna Nicole married Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II in 1994, when she was 26 and he was 89. He died the following year and she has since been involved in legal disputes over the estate.
NASSAU, Bahamas Authorities issued a death certificate for the son of Anna Nicole Smith but left the cause of death undetermined pending toxicology tests, a lawyer for the former reality TV star's family said Thursday.
Attorney Michael Scott said the document will let the former Playboy playmate bury the remains of 20-year-old Daniel Smith, who died Sept. 10 at his mother's hospital bedside in the Bahamas.
Filed on Wednesday, the death certificate lists the cause as "pending chemical analysis," said Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez.
"It is not unusual in instances where the cause of death cannot be determined to issue a death certificate," Gomez told The Associated Press. "This is not a matter of special treatment being given in this particular case."
Scott also said Thursday that Smith, 38, planned to file documents registering the birth of her 2-week-old daughter, but he declined to reveal the girl's name. He added that Anna Nicole Smith has been granted permanent residency in the Bahamas, where she came to avoid media scrutiny during her pregnancy.
She is gradually recovering from her son's death, he said.
"She's much better," he told the AP. "You never get over that, you get through it. Time is the catalyst for that."
It will likely be two weeks before pathologists receive test results, said Scott, who is the attorney for Daniel Smith's estate.
Authorities say there is no evidence of homicide or suicide. A private examiner hired by the family, Cyril Wecht, said in an interview from his Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania office that Smith was taking a low dose of the antidepressant Lexapro at the time of his death but he did not know if it was a factor.
"We'll have to see if it proves to be an accidental drug-related death due to a couple of drugs in his system," said Wecht, who added that blood tests have ruled out the presence of alcohol and some drugs including cocaine, opiates and amphetamines.
Scott criticized the island chain's head coroner, Linda Virgill, for labeling the death "suspicious" last week and saying that her office knew the cause of death before toxicology tests were complete.
"Unless she's psychic or God, unless the pathologists know the cause of death, how does she?" said Scott, adding that some in the Bahamas worried the highly publicized case was affecting the island chain's image.
"We are all aware of what happened in Aruba. We are all aware of what happened to Natalee Holloway," he said, referring to the high-profile disappearance last year of an Alabama teen. "We don't want that to happen in this jurisdiction."
Virgill declined to comment Thursday when reached by The Associated Press.
Larry Birkhead, a photojournalist who claims to be the newborn girl's father, said he regretted missing the birth as he was shown photos of the girl by a correspondent for TV show "Entertainment Tonight."
"It just seems like I should have been on the other side of this picture," Birkhead said.
Smith's camp has been silent on the identity of the girl's father.
Daniel Smith, who appeared several times on the E! reality series "The Anna Nicole Show," was the son of Anna Nicole and Bill Smith, who married in 1985 and divorced two years later.
Anna Nicole married Texas oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall II in 1994, when she was 26 and he was 89. He died the following year and she has since been involved in legal disputes over the estate.
Let's close with Anna Nicole Smith at the Awards
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