puff 295 Making Fun and Doing Grief: Rosie O'Donnell and Chyna
Did Rosie O'Donnell know why she was making fun of Anna Nicole Smith?
Who knows how to take Chyna?
Does Larry King help us grieve?
Rosie before Anna passed
Chyna and others on Larry King LiveRosie O’Donnell posted some headlines on her blog today:
CBS: Investigators found illegal narcotics, prescription meds in room…
Mother Blames Drugs…
Lawyer vows no DNA sample…
Battle Over $1.6 Billion Fortune Brewing…
Autopsy to Be Performed…She Died Like Marilyn…
Final Footage Sells for Over $500,000…
*VIDEO…Rosie Rants On Anna Nicole — Hours Before Her Death…
I know many of you could care less what the most obnoxious dyke in the country has to say. And I have to admit, I have probably been too tolerant and forgiving. I didn’t care that she slammed The Donald. Anyone that gets under his sexist lesophobic skin is all right with me. And that one was funny. But, I didn’t think she needed to be all pissy about Tara Connor. Who appointed her the moral compass for anyone?
The deal with Kelly Ripa was totally ridiculous.
And no matter how stupid, offensive and annoying the fundies often are, there is not a moral or any other type of equivalency with radical Islamic fundamentalism.
I suppose the stuff leading up to the little blog post was ok:
It seems on The View a few hours before the death, Rosie went off on another one of her high bitch rants: “If I have to see Anna Nicole on Television one more time I’ll…”
But not the rest…
Let me finish it for Ms. O’Donnell:
“ I’ll eulogize her in an ambiguous, but decidely distasteful way on my blog.”
I hate to say it, but I think it’s time to do some affirmative action cut-backs in TV gab world.
Just Ellen is fine for now.
As usual the girl in short shorts is on to it
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