puff 554 Monday 1st November
This is a daily spin on what is already going on. For example the Hotaka says what is happening today on the radio.
puff is sponsored by Campus Press and the Campus Press Update follows the Hotaka.
What else is happening? Get back to us via the Comments section of this Blog!
ENM Update
Monday November 1: Horizon's Regional Public Transport Plan review – a chance to have early input into the draft plan
The pre consultation meeting will be held at 2pm at Horizons Regional Council Boardroom, 11-14 Victoria Avenue , Palmerston North.
You can also comment by email on what you think should be in the draft plan. Now is the best time to offer your views. See the http://www.environmentnetwork.org.nz/11.html for more information
SPLIT PIN ENGINEERING SPONSORS PETER AT THE LONDONPeter Cleave on guitar and vocals at the London on George Street Palmerston North- Fridays and Saturdays 6- 8.30pm. The London is one of New Zealand's best restaurants. Come and eat. The gig goes into its second month. It started with a show called Peter Cleave aqnd the British Invasion to go with the theme of the London. Beatles, Stones, Van Morrison and the like and it carries on from there.
Quote of the week
Gossip is a boat full of holes
Maori Unpacked continued
The inceptive, ka
Ka is actually known as an inceptive, it works for any tense.
Ka pai te kai
could mean the food will be/was/is good.
It all depends on the context.
We need to do some detective work before we unpack the context!
So if we are unpacking into Time Boxes we have to be sure to think of ka, the any time, any tense word as relating to several boxes, The Past Box, The Future Box and he Present Box.
Inanahi, ka haere au ki Papakura.
Yesterday I went to Papakura
I teenei raa ka haere au ki Manurewa
Today I go to Manurewa.
Aapoopoo ka haere au ki Tuakau.
Tomorrow I will go to Tuakau.
Gee there are are boxes in all directions, no playing couch rugby or we'll wreck the arrangement!
Mind you we could just put ka in a Mind Map right in the middle of the verbs...
If we were to make a mobile for ka it could be made to face in all directions, facing to the past, the present and to the future...
Perhaps in a drawer at the top of the set of drawers in the Verbal Sentence Desk.
He kupu hou- some new words
nei- here, near the speaker
naa- there, near the person spoken to
raa- over there, away from the person spoken to and the speaker
teenei- this, near the speaker
teenaa- that, near the person spoken to
teeraa-that over there away from the person spoken to and the speaker
eenei- these near the speaker
eenaa- those, near the person spoken to
eeraa- those over there away from the person spoken to and the speaker
pai- good
kai- food
haere- go, come
mahi- work
a- of
tuupuna- ancestors, note that in the singular it is tupuna
he- a, some
i- connectives
poouri- sad
poouritanga- sadness
Hei tauira- to be an example
aahua- form
aahuatanga- likeness
maatau- to know
maatauranga- knowledge
mahinga- doing, making
i- at
ki- at
kei- at
hei- at, future
waenganui- middle, centre
o- of
ruma- room
waho- outside
runga- on
tuu- stand
whakaaro- thought, to think
kupu- word
tuhi- write
anoo- again
peenei- like, like this, near the speaker
ia- when repeated means every as in ia, ra, ia ra- every day
hoohaa- bored, annoyed
ngahau- entertainment
kaahore- introducing a negatrive phrase or sentence, not, no
kau- at all
ka- any tense marker, inceptive
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