puff 560 Tuesday 9th Nov
ENM Update
Tuesday November 9: Forest & Bird Manawatu Public Meeting - Changing our Climate
Speaker: Geoff Keey, Greenpeace NZ
Starts 7.30pm
Te Manawa Art, Palmerston North.
A gold coin donation appreciated. All welcome!
Peter Cleave at the London
SPLIT PIN ENGINEERING SPONSORS PETERPeter Cleave on guitar and vocals at the London on George Street Palmerston North- Fridays and Saturdays 6- 8.30pm. The London is one of New Zealand's best restaurants. Come and eat. The gig goes into its second month. It started with a show called Peter Cleave aqnd the British Invasion to go with the theme of the London. Beatles, Stones, Van Morrison and the like and it carries on from there.
Maori Unpacked continued
Let's go around the room again
Just near the centre of the room, beside the Verb we find ka, the inceptive
We can use ka to indicate past, future or present tense
Depends on Context!
Inanahi ka haere au
Yesterday I went
Aapoopoo ka hoki au
Tomorrow I will return
Inaianei ka noho au ki konei
Now I stay here
Just past ka we might find kua, the perfect
Kua tunu koe i te kai
They have cooked the food
And also not far from the centre of the room we might find the indefinite article,
This goes next to the Noun
He whare, a house, some houses.
But just above the fish bowl, in the middle in the room we might find a way to divide the Verbs. Three kinds. The Universal, the Stative and Verbs of Movement.
Universals can take passive endings;
mahi, work
Ka mahi au.
I work.
Ka mahi au i te mahi.
I do the work.
Ka mahia te mahi e au.
The work is done by me.
Statives have a passive built into them.
Ka mau te pooro i a au.
The ball is caught by me.
And verbs of movement do not take the passive
you put whaka-, the causative in front,
haere, to go
whakahaere, cause to go
Ka whakahaeretia te hui e au.
The hui was organised by me.
He kupu hou- some new words
reka- sweet
huka- sugar
kawa- sour
inu- drink
rawa- too as in too sweet, he reka rawa
inanahi- yesterday
aapoopoo- tomorrow
tuku- released, let go
kuri- dog
hanga- make, build
miraka- milk
awhina- help
whakatuu- cause to stand
homai or hoomai- give towards
hoatu- give away
koorero- speak, speech
hopu- see, grab, snatch
taua- war party
aroha- love
mau- catch, take hold of
raakau- stick, tree
hoki- return
inaianei- now
noho- sit
tunu- cook
raatou- they, more than two
pooro- ball
whaka- causative
hui- gathering
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