puff 558 Friday 5th Nov
This is a daily spin on what is already going on. For example the Hotaka says what is happening today on the radio.
puff is sponsored by Campus Press and the Campus Press Update follows the Hotaka.
What else is happening? Get back to us via the Comments section of this Blog!
ENM Update
Saturday November 6: Forest & Bird Horowhenua trip to Nga Manu Bird Sanctuary (Kapiti area)
Car-pooling available: vehicles leave from Thomson House, Kent St , Levin; or ring for arranged pick-ups in Foxton, Shannon, or Otaki.
Non-members welcome. To find out more contact Janet Campbell (06) 368-6289
Peter Cleave at the London
SPLIT PIN ENGINEERING SPONSORS PETERPeter Cleave on guitar and vocals at the London on George Street Palmerston North- Fridays and Saturdays 6- 8.30pm. The London is one of New Zealand's best restaurants. Come and eat. The gig goes into its second month. It started with a show called Peter Cleave aqnd the British Invasion to go with the theme of the London. Beatles, Stones, Van Morrison and the like and it carries on from there.
Maori Unpacked continued
The passive
A NEW BOX people! Is there room? Might have to hang some things up...
Ka mahi au i te mahi.
I do the work.
This is an active sentence.
Ka mahia te mahi e au.
The work is done by me.
This is a passive sentence.
Passive endings
Different words take different passive endings. Some take several.
But not, of course, at the same time!
Hei tauira
For example
Ka tuku ia i te kuri.
He releases the dog.
Ka tukua te kuri e au.
The dog was released by me.
Ka hanga au i te whare.
I build the house.
Ka hangaia te whare e au.
The house is built by me.
Ka inu koe i te miraka.
You drink the milk.
Ka inumia te miraka e koe.
The milk is drunk by you.
Kua awhina koe i a au.
You have helped me.
Kua awhinatia au e koe.
I have been helped by you.
Kua whakatuu au i te hoe.
I have stood up the paddle.
kua whakatuuria te hoe e au.
The paddle has been stood up by me.
Kua homai koe i te paraoa .
You have given the bread to me- the bread has been given in the speaker's direction and you can tell this by the use of the directional particle mai in the word hoomai. Had the direction of he giving been away from the speaker then the word would have been hoatu, atu being the directional particle for away.
Kua homaingia te paraoa e koe.
The bread has been given to me (in this direction) by you
Kua koorero ia i te paanui.
He has spoken the notice.
Kua koorerohia te paanui e ia.
The notice has been spoken by him.
Ka hopu te hoariri i te taua.
The enemy seized the war party.
Ka hopukia te taua e te hoariri.
The war party was seized by the enemy.
Ka aroha a Mere i a Hone.
Mere loves Hone.
Ka arohaina a Hone e Mere.
Hone is loved by Mere.
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