puff 556 Wednesday 3rd Nov
This is a daily spin on what is already going on. For example the Hotaka says what is happening today on the radio.
puff is sponsored by Campus Press and the Campus Press Update follows the Hotaka.
What else is happening? Get back to us via the Comments section of this Blog!
ENM Update
Wednesday November 3: Transport - Treading lightly on the planet: how individual choices and local transport planning can move us into a low carbon future
The final talk in the Living Sustainably Series by U3A is by Assoc. Prof. Christine Cheyne from the Resource and Environmental Planning programme, Massey University .
Aside from the important contribution to environmental sustainability and in particular the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, active transport has major economic and social benefits. How can individuals and households reduce their carbon footprint and what can local councils do to support sustainable transport choices?
Te Manawa Art Gallery 5, Main Street , Palmerston North
From 2-4pm. Door charge of $5. Tea and coffee will be provided
Peter Cleave at the London
SPLIT PIN ENGINEERING SPONSORS PETERPeter Cleave on guitar and vocals at the London on George Street Palmerston North- Fridays and Saturdays 6- 8.30pm. The London is one of New Zealand's best restaurants. Come and eat. The gig goes into its second month. It started with a show called Peter Cleave aqnd the British Invasion to go with the theme of the London. Beatles, Stones, Van Morrison and the like and it carries on from there.
Maori Unpacked continued
Unpacking into invisibility? The packing that you don't see. The suitcase with the false compartment. The secret space behind the bookshelf...
How about implying something?
He mea reka te huka?
Is the sugar a sweet thing?
Mea or thing is redundant. Let's make it invisible. Let's imply it, let's embed it.
He reka te huka?
Is the sugar sweet?
Packing things back in- you can add to the meaning of the noun if you want
He aahua reka.
A bit sweet.
He aahua reka te huka
The sugar is a bit sweet
He mea kawa te inu?
Is the drink a sour thing?
He kawa te inu?
Is the drink sour?
He aahua kawa te inu
The drink is a bit sour
He reka rawa te inu?
Is the drink too sweet?
He kawa rawa te inu?
Is the drink too sour?
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