Friday, January 07, 2011

puff 619 Monday January 31

January 31 Mon
Te Mauri
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
He aha te mahi a Te Mauri ki Rangitaane Pa? He aha te whakatinanatanga o te ropu nei?

Subject of the day
Te Mauri
What is the function of Te Mauri at Rangitaane Pa? How is this group constituted?
Interesting work on water;

puff 618 Friday January 28

January 28 Friday
Te whare miere
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
He korero mo te Torangapu Nahinara
He aha te whakaaro o te hapori whanui mo te Torangapu Nahinara? He aha nga mea e tika ana kia taea ai e ratou i mua i te wa poti?

Subject of the day
A discussion about the National Party
What does the community think about the National Party?. What has to be done by them before the election?

puff 617 Thursday January 27

January 27 Thurs
Te ao toi
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
Tenei tau i te ao toi
He aha nga mea tino pai i te ao toi i tenei tau?
Subject of the day
This year in the arts
What are the good things in the world of the arts this year? -

puff 616 Wednesday January 26th

January 26 Wed
Te ao paho
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
Te ipurangi
He aha te pai o te ipurangi mo te pahotanga mo te iwi? E tika ana ma nga mea o te iwi e ako mo te ipurangi?
Subject of the day
The internet
What is the use of the internet for broadcasting iwi matters? Should iwi members learn about the internet? › Internet Gateway -

puff 615 Tuesday January 25

January 25 Tues
Te moana me te ngahere
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
Nga roto o Te Arawa
He korero mo nga tuhinga na April Bennett mo te kaitiakitanga o Te Arawa mo o ratou roto. He tauira pai pea tenei ma Rangitaane o Manawatu e whai ai mo nga awa me nga roto o konei.

Subject of the day
The lakes of Te Arawa.
A discussion of the writings of April Bennett about Te Arawa and their lakes. This is an example that Rangitaane o Manawatu might perhaps follow.

puff 614 Monday January 24

January 24 Monday
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
He tirohanga whakamua ki te Ra o Rangitaane a te Ra o Waitangi.
E aha a Lorene i tenei tau? Ko wai nga roopu waiata e puta? He aha te pikitia whanui mo tenei wa whakangahau?
Subject of the day
A look forward to Rangitaane Day on Waitangi Day
What does Lorene have in mind this year? Who are the groups coming? What is the big picture for this entertainment occasion?

puff 613 Friday 21st

21 Friday
Te whare miere
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
Te Torangapu Maori
He aha te tu o te Torangapu Maorii te Tau Hou nei? He rereke tenei Torangapu inaianei?
Subject of the day
The Maori Party
What does the Maori Party stand for in the New Year? Is this a different party now?

puff 612 Thurs 20th

January 20 Thursday Te ao toi
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
Ko matou nga mea toromi.
He korero mo te pukapuka, ‘Ko Matou nga mea toromi’ na Carsten Jensen. He pukapuka tino pai tenei.
Subject of the day
We the Drowned
A discussion of the book, ‘We the Drowned’ by Carsten Jensen. A very good book. › Arts & Entertainment › Books › Reviews

puff 611 Wednesday 19th

January 19 Wed
Te ao paho
Kaupapa korero mo te ra nei
Kei te pena tonu te Wa Parakuihi?
Kua wehe a Paora Henare engari ra he pai rawa nga mea kua puta ai? He aha te pai o Te Wa Parakuihi i te Pouwhakaata Tuatahi?
Subject of the day
Is Breakfast stll the same?
Paul Henry has gone but are those who are on any better? What’s the use of Breakfast on Television One?